Last additions - 2-9th Reunion - Finale

Herod_s_Court.JPGHerod's CourtA very unique set of stone formations representing the court of King Herod.Oct 14, 2019

Holy_City_Sign.JPGThe Holy City of the WichitasA little-known biblical historical park exists in the Wichita Mountains. Includes a chapel. A good touring spot!Oct 14, 2019

2018_Reunion_Grp.JPG1/19th FA honors the 2/9th FAThe 1/19th FA, Jerry Orr's old unit, commemorated our 2018 visit with a group photo. The highlights of sharing our reunion time with the 1/19th FA included meeting the trainees at the Dining Facilities, observing their marksmanship training skills at the firing range, attending a graduation, and...most of all...serving as a Group Panel to permit a new class of Trainees to ask any questions they wanted from a group experienced combat veterans. The Battalion Commander made all of us "honorary members" of the 1/19th and we are welcome to return at any time.Jun 20, 2018

Arty_King.JPGArrival Day, May 9, 20182/9th FA Webmaster Dennis Dauphin and wife Jackie check in at the Registration Desk with John "Moon" Mullins. The "Grand Finale" rooms were booked with the Hilton Garden Inn in downtown Lawton, close to Ft Sill, OK.
Photo courtesy of Wayne RayfieldJun 12, 2018

barb_26.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening DinnerDennis says, "Wayne is telling all his war stories again; I think his wife Carol and my wife Jackie have heard them all before from the looks on their faces".
Photo courtesy of Barb MoellerJun 11, 2018

barb_27.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner"Food's here!" Steve & Madelyn Cox are digging in.
Photo courtesy of Barb MoellerJun 11, 2018

barb_28.JPGMike's Sports GrillWahidi Ghbadimosi (Jerry's roommate) and Dennis Dauphin, 2/9th Webmaster at Mike's Sports Grill
Photo courtesy of Barbara MoellerJun 11, 2018

barb_29.JPGMike's Sports GrillFt Sill Chief of Staff Col Tom Wascom chats with Ray Beebe.
Photo courtesy of Barbara MoellerJun 11, 2018

barb_30.JPGMike's Sports GrillSteve Cox chats with Terry Stuber at the closing banquet.
Photo courtesy of Barbara MoellerJun 11, 2018

barb_21.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening DinnerJohn Waldman, left, looks at Charles Sizemore. Charles looks like he got a warm beer instead of a cold one.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller.Jun 11, 2018

barb_22.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening DinnerHappy camper, now! Charles has a cold beer. Charles & Carolyn Sizemore.
Photo courtesy of Barbara MoellerJun 11, 2018

barb_23.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner"What? Wrong Danny Fort? Well, I figured that."
Danny Fort, Joanne & Bob Wilson.
Photo courtesy of Barbara MoellerJun 11, 2018