Last additions - Walt Shields

Shields68.jpgGun Crew in actionHere is the M-102 in all its glory. The older vets remember putting the M1A101 to work in 66-67. Note the attire: woolen shirt due to nightime temperature drops, bare back for the hot days, fatigue shirt and OD tee shirt. Yep...that about covers it!
L to R: PFC Mike Steele, SP4 Rick Satterfield, PFC Tony Heredia, and PFC Richard Sanchez.Feb 07, 2018

Shields71.jpgWorking the cannonsPhenomenal Quality! These cannoncockers are working professionals. Note the clarity of the photo: you can see the 105mm round in all its glory. Note the pockets: one has a spoon, the other a pencil. You can see the well-worn handle on breechblock. Empty shell casings; aiming stakes. Yep! This is what things look like!
L to R: Sp4 Rick Satterfield, PFC Tony Heredia, PFC Mike Steele, PFC Walt Shields, and UNKFeb 07, 2018

Shields72.jpgCrew in actionClearing the breech from a fired shell. SP4 Rick Satterfield is the Gunner; PFC Mike Steele is the Loader (notice the duck tails), and PFC Tony Heredia is the Asst Gunner.Feb 07, 2018