Last additions - Larry Keller

LK-2x.jpgHeave-Ho!Pushing the cannon into the rear hatch.May 29, 2017

LK-12.jpgIt's mine now!A civilian swipes a stovepipe and carries it away.
Occasionally, a firebase position would be close to civilian villages. Note the howitzer at top left.May 29, 2017

LK-10.jpgSp4 Larry Keller - Taking a breakDismantling a firebase howitzer position and moving involves a lot of hard man-hours. Larry has been at work for 24 hours with no sleep.May 29, 2017

LK-17.jpgMingling with the localsLarry will take the local beer over not having a beer at all.May 29, 2017

LK-16.jpgSp4 Larry Keller at Pleiku Base CampIt's a scenic view from the Bn Base Camp, then located in Pleiku.May 29, 2017

LK-14.jpgConvoy to nowhereThis convoy was headed to Cambodia....of course, we were never there in the first place.May 29, 2017

LK-5a.jpgThird world countryPleiku taxi ride. This is the way it was in most cities/villages in the 60s...excluding Saigon.May 29, 2017

LK-6.jpgWe'll never forgetMain mode of transportation from start to finish: the Huey.May 29, 2017

LK-7.jpgMaintenance Tent at the Pleiku BaseLarge CP tent were common in the early stage; not much protection from mortar attacks.May 29, 2017

LK-7a.jpgMontagnard LonghousesMost Vietnamese villages were mainly huts; the Montagnards built longhouses.May 29, 2017

LK-7b.jpgGranaryThis is a Montagnard granary.May 29, 2017

LK-5.jpgOpen marketIn many cases, the local civilians seized the opportunity to sell something to the GIs.May 29, 2017