
WmWard-1.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden InnOur Encore reunion ended with a superb meal at the Hilton Inn in Lawton. Saturday was depart for home day.
John Waldman and Danny Fort in their red arty shirts at right.

Joe_H-11.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden InnWayne Rayfield, Bob Wilson, John Cashin, Carlton Epps, John & Barbara Bowden.

Joe_H-12.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden InnBill Henson, Doug Turner, Larry Keller and Mike Huseth share a table with the ladies.

Joe_H-13.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden InnL to R: John & Barbara Bowden, J. William Ward, Danny Fort, and John Waldman.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson.

Joe_H-14.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden InnJoe Turner with the ladies.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson.

Joe_H-15.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden InnSeated: Mr & Mrs Charles Skidmore, Bill Osterhout (guest of Jeff Labreck) and Jeff Labreck. Standing at ends: Kris & Samantha Nieto, daughters of redleg Sam Nieto, Sam, Jerry Orr, and Moon Mullins.

Joe_H-16.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden InnRedleg Ernie Correia sits at the "head table" with the Commander of the 1/9th FA Battalion, his Sergeant Major and their wives.

J_Turner_1.JPGArtillery MuseumIt as fantastically beautiful day to visit an outdoor artillery museum at Ft Sill.
Photo courtesy of Joe Turner

WmWard-4.JPGThe 105mm howitzer, M1A1Yep...this is it. William Ward and John Bowden bring back memories of our famous cannon at the museum grounds.
Photo courtesy of William Ward.

WmWard-7.JPGRonnie MishimaRonnie Mishima was a cannoneer in Bravo Battery with me and Danny Fort. He wanted very much to come to the reunion but was unable to. He sent 3 coins to me. He wanted me and Danny to have one and someone who remembered him to have the other. John Bowden remembered him well. Ronnie wanted in some way to be represented at the reunion.

WmWard-5.JPGIn Memory of Ronnie MishimaJohn Bowden with coin.
Ronnie Mashima was a cannoneer in Bravo Battery with me and Danny Fort. He wanted very much to come to the reunion but was unable to. He sent 3 coins to me. He wanted me and Danny to have one and someone who remembered him to have the other. John Bowden remembered him well. Ronnie wanted in some way to be represented at the reunion.

WmWard-6.JPGIn Memory of Ronnie MishimaDanny "Cowboy" Fort with coin.
Ronnie Mashima was a cannoneer in Bravo Battery with me and Danny Fort. He wanted very much to come to the reunion but was unable to. He sent 3 coins to me. He wanted me and Danny to have one and someone who remembered him to have the other. John Bowden remembered him well. Ronnie wanted in some way to be represented at the reunion.
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