
J_Turner_12.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationA close up view of the Artillery Rocket itself.
Photo courtesy of Joe Turner.

FP-9.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration

FP-10.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration

RW-7~0.JPGThursday Firepower DemonstrationMobile Radar System....we got a close up look and detailed examination of the system later in the Agenda.

FP-11.jpgThursday Firepower DemonstrationKA-BOOM! Loud, fer shure.

FP-12.jpgThursday Firepower DemonstrationWhat a beautiful day to be on the Range at Ft Sill!

FP-13.jpgThursday Firepower DemonstrationAll the burned out truck bodies and tanks are no longer downrange targets. The target was to hit a particular ridge line.
Guess the EPA made Ft Sill clean up their artillery ranges.

FP-14.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration

FP-15.jpgThursday Firepower DemonstrationJoe Henderson, Jim Connolly looking thru the binos, John Bowden

Orr_Conference_Rm.jpgA Visit to the Orr Conference RoomOrganizer Jerry Orr has been honored with a Battalion Conference Room named in his honor.
Here you see a "Now & Then" comparison as Jerry poses next to a very old photo (jus' kiddin')

Orr_Conf_Room.jpgA Visit to the Orr Conference RoomAlso hanging in the Orr Conference Room is a photo of Jerry on active duty "back when".

Group_Photo.jpgBCT GraduationWe were invited to attend a BCT graduation on Thursday morning. It was not only an impressive ceremony, but the enthusiasm, military bearing, and physically fit young men and women in uniform was a sight to see. Notice how our artillery-red shirts stand out.
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