
JFO-25.JPGKABLOOEY!!!Well, whatever was there, ain't there no more! A fighter jet (circled in red) unloads on a target.

JFO-26.JPGTrail GuardWell, this is one way to do it.

JFO-27.JPGObviousThis well-worn path has no cover or concealment.

JFO-28.JPGLife in the fieldSettling in for the evening.

JFO-29.JPGDefensive perimeterA .50 caliber was usually a major distraction for the enemy to enter our perimeter.

JFO-30.JPGDigging inPreparing battlements.

JFO-31.JPGCH-47A Chinook sneaks over a hill.

JFO-32.JPGCombat Camping 101Now this is the roper way to fix camp bedding. A couple layers of sandbags over some cut poles topped with an air mattress. You hope you get a least a week in place to enjoy it.

JFO-33.JPGLife in the fieldLow-level tent provides basic cover.

JFO-34.JPGField ConferenceWhatever it is, it looks important.

JFO-35.JPGThe old razorLook sharp, feel sharp, be sharp. Compliments of Gillette.

JFO-36.JPGWatch out!Looks like a little trickery is about to occur.