

breaktime.JPGSp4 John M. Waldman, RTO for Lt Don Kieth's FO party looks totally bushed. John was on hand for our "first and only" 2/9th reunion at Ft Sill organized by Maj Jerry Orr.

gotmine.JPGLt Don Keith with an armload of pleasure...and a Bowie knife to open it.

UnknownSoldier.jpgMen of B-1-35

DK-Pers2.jpgMen of B-1-35He's holding an M-79 grenade launcher. A very effective weapon, even for "close-in" fighting.

01-Bird_Dog_Spotter.JPGBird DogThe Cessna L-19/0-1 Bird Dog was the artillery FO spotter plane used throughout Vietnam.

DK-Pers3.jpgMen of B-1-35

DK-Pers4.jpgMen of B-1-35

DK-Pers5.jpgNote the stateside green fatigues. Jungle fatigues were not immediately available for the troops sent over in early 1966.

DK-Pers6.jpgMen of B-1-35

DK-Pers7.jpgMen of B-1-35

DK-Pers8.jpgMen of B-1-35
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