
ShelterSign.jpgThis is amazing: a carefully and painstakingly-lettered sign found near a cave entrance requesting that the shelter not be attacked. Well...you can always ask, can't you?

3d_Bde_Sign.JPGWhere was I? Well, according to this sign, I was in combat.

3dBdeSign.jpgHere, get a closer look at it.

DK-CombatDays.jpgDid we say "224 Consecutive Days in combat"? Try 500 ceaseless days. That sign needs updating!

DK-Pers1a.JPGCapt Barton, Company Commander, B-1-35, on the radio

DK-Pers1b.JPGCapt Barton and 1Sgt Tewwis show off a water buffalo skull.

DK-Pers1c.JPG1Sgt Tewwis and UNK relaxing "at home"

Bearded_Keith.JPGFO Lt Don Keith checks out his fuzzy face.

Keith_Goes_Cong.JPGHa so?Don adapts the Vietnamese headwear; keeps the sun out of his eyes, he says.

Running_thru_the_Jungle.JPGCong -or- Cong Fighter?Don can play for either side.

DK-Pers1d.JPG"Hmmm...this note says that Capt Barton wants to know where I'm at. Guess he must be lost again."
FO Don Keith out in the boonies.

KeithChowBreak.JPGFancy Dining as an FOYou know, it's hard to tell the difference between ham & lima beans and roach poison.
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