
Flag_is_Captured.JPGI got it!Every battle known to man is to capture the other guy's flag. Here it is!


FO-Ready.jpgFO Lt Don Keith in full battle gear. Note the two (2) smoke grenades on the webgear.

Chinook_Resupply.jpgRe-Supply via CH-47, Chinook Utility chopperThe vital part of successful military warfare is to keep your troops re-supplied at all times. This particular mission was very special: it brought our "hot chow" in those insulated (MERMITE) containers. A welcome change from cold C-rations.
The only problem was the enemy was also well-supplied via the Ho Chi Minh trail running thru Cambodia and Laos. That resupply line was never destroyed to the great detriment of our troops.

Grunt_Club_Ice.JPGGrunt Club Supply WagonNothing like taking a military trailer and putting it to better use! Here this trailer is loaded with ice to cover the Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

Grunt_Club_-_2.JPGCacti Beer HallWell, you could say that it was "Miller Time", but the gang is all drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Cacti_Grunt_Club.JPGBeer HallWho knew? The Cacti battalion had their very own beer hall! Salud! (burp)

SittingMission.jpg"Hey! Where's that resupply chopper with the load of toilet paper?"
Note the proper use of headgear in the war zone. Reflects that great training at OCS.

2Village_Firefight.JPGVillage FirefightDon says that this is the battle where Lt Dick Arnold of B/1/35 and his platoon were pinned down.

Firefight.jpgActual scenes from a firefight in progress.

Firefight2.jpgFirefight in progress. The use of smoke grenades was critical in Vietnam. It marked your position as well as marking where you wanted air support. The 105mm artillery used smoke rounds to mark where the HE was going to fall after adjusting.

Di_Di_Mau.jpgWe did a lot of "di di mau" in Vietnam. Roughly translated, it means "get your ass outta here!"
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