
DK-New_Vietnam.JPGHA! I liked Vietnam so much that I created my own personal jungle here at home.
Actually, this is Don's backyard that he and wife Barb created over a period of several years and has won several awards from his home city of Bartlett, TN.

DK-New_Vietnam3.JPGIn the morning mist, Don's "jungle" bears a great resemblance to his old stomping grounds.

DK-Home2.jpgWar's Over...for meGuess I'll take my briefcase full of fire missions home with me.

Philly3.JPGDon Keith attends the 2007 Philly reunion of the 35th Infantry Regiment.

Don_remodel.jpgYeah....40 years later, Don stands about as tall, traded the weapon for a tool, and works on remodeling his kitchen instead of remodeling Dinks.

DK-New_Vietnam2.JPGDon, wearing his traditional "artillery red" shirt, beckons you to visit his backyard. One might say it is his "new Vietnam". Lotsa work went into this tremendous transformation of a simple backyard to a small jungle.

Don_PTSD.jpgThe Man SnappedWell, it had to happen. After living in "peace & quiet" for forty-plus years, Don finally snapped and demonstrated his "PTSD": Pretty Tired Senior w/ Distemper. He goes to the Vet next week.

Fire_Mission.JPGFire Mission?There's the old saying about "When the dog hears the Fire Bell....". Don thought he heard someone yell "Fire Mission" and ran through the fire. That happens when you get older.
Actually, it was the insanely-popular "Warrior Dash" held in Jackson, MS on 4/21/12, a 5K race that includes a military-style obstacle course. It is connected with the St Jude charity. Yes, Don finished on the same day, and no, he did not wet his pants. That's just his Geezer outfit.

winner~0.jpgSenior Olympics Winner!Well, after running through fire and mud, Don felt he was ready to win five medals in the Senior Olympics.
Surely, this former veteran FO is no couch potato!

Arty_Hat.jpgStill Running!Well, Don gave up his #1 spot on the victory stand in this annual event. At least the winner wasn't decked out infantry blue. BUT...check out that Artillery ten-gallon hat on Don's head! Wow!
Guess the #3 guy didn't finish at all...or was "finished" and carried off for last rites.

Don_Kieth_-_2014.jpgHow?How did I get so old so fast??
Don attends a Veterans Day ceremony in Bartlett, TN on Nov 11, 2014. Truly, he is an image of "the old warrior".

Don_K_2015.JPGVeteran's Day, 2015Still standing tall 48 years after Vietnam.
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