

DonHist1.jpgAnother rare document courtesy of Lt Don Keith. Last sentence states that "The Mighty Ninth" was officially adopted as the unit's name by DA on 25Feb63. So now we know.

DK-Coat_of_Arms.jpgComplete description of our 2/9th's Coat of Arms. Courtesy of Don Keith's album of memories.

DK-TopoMap.JPGCourtesy of Lt Don Keith's album of memories.


The_Trio.JPGDangerous DudesLt Keith served as the FO for B-1-35. He paired with Platoon Leaders of "B" Company with his artillery skills. Weapons Platoon Leader Cal Graef is in center and Platoon Leader Lt "TJ" Blue (deceased) is on the right.

Search_and_Destroy_Patrols.jpgThe official name for US soldiers patrolling the jungle was "Search & Destroy" mission. When crossing an open field, Infantry Commanders knew they had to spread their men apart in the event of a firefight.

Soldiers_with_kids-1.JPGSoldiers and KidsAn Infantryman of B-1-35 meets with Vietnamese children in a village. Our troops routinely gave kids candy and goodies from the C-Ration supplies.
According to the US news media, these men were labeled as "baby-killers". The news media got it wrong, as usual. It was the VC who entered the villages and killed the Village Chief to install their control.

Capt_and_the_kids.jpgCompany Commander shares goodies with the children of a typical Vietnamese village. Contrary to US news media reports, the children and their parents were glad to see American soldiers. But they knew the VC would move back in after we left. It was a never-ending cycle.

Medics_and_kids.JPGUS providing medical careIn addition to food and candy, US troops had Medics (91B) available to treat the people of the villages. Young boy (center) has no pants to wear.
The VC were acutely aware of the goodwill being established by the American troops directly aiding the villages. Too bad the US news media didn't bother to report it.

Fire_in_the_hole-1a.JPGDestroying enemy munitionsA cave with enemy munitions is loaded up with plenty of C-4 explosive.

Fire_in_the_hole-1.JPGKa-blooey!The NCO is getting ready to blow this enemy stash to kingdom come!
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