
RW-38.JPGLooking down an entrance.Looking down towards the cave complex entrances. We surveyed the entrances to the caves for a B-52 mission to further destroy the caves after Company D 65th Engineers blew up the caves. Capt. Steven Childers, CO of B Company 1/14th was killed. He was at the entrance to one of the caves trying to coax out some civilians when a VC shot him from behind the civilians.

RW-39.JPGCave Smoke BreakSgt Barrington taking a smoke break after enjoying a hot meal with the 1/14th soldiers.

RW-40.JPGDestroying the cavesDanny Yates and myself taking a break after also enjoying a hot meal. We spent 5 days in the boonies with the B Company. (B/1/14)

Rice_Found.JPGDestroying the cavesSoldiers of B/1/14 checking out a rice cache retrieved from the caves. The soldier named Logan has his name marked on the top of his helmet. His partner has the name "Bart" on the neck of his webgear.

RW-42.JPGDestroying the cavesCompany "B", 1/14th in the dining area near the cave expedition.

RW-43.JPGDestroying the cavesWar Dog belonging to B/1/14 on the cave expedition.

RW-44.JPGDestroying the caves(Center) The survey team discussing the up coming survey of the cave entrances. Chuck Peart getting instructions from Sgt. Barrington. (Foreground) Danny Yates and a surveyor named Ziegler.

RW-45.JPGDestroying the cavesView of the survey teams poncho cover sleeping accommodations. I remember being awaken by something crawling over me that turned out to be large rats. Apparently we didn't police our empty C-ration cans very well.

RW-46.JPGDestroying the cavesPhoto from atop one the hills where we started our survey using the coordinates of the peak.

RW-47a.JPGDestroying the cavesPhoto from atop one the hills where we started our survey using the coordinates of the peak.

RW-48a.JPGDestroying the cavesSolitary poncho; our home away from home, 4 star accommodations.

RW-49a.JPGDestroying the cavesThat's me. I have my trusty rifle and machete in hand cutting through the elephant grass. Most likely cutting a path for other surveyors dragging a survey chain to get a measurement between two points.
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