
Pleiku_Catholic_Church.JPGPleiku seriesAt the time I was surprised to see a Catholic church in Vietnam. I eventually found out that the Catholic religion is the second largest religion after Buddhist. I talked to a person there to find out that it was Catholic.
{Webmaster's Note: Many Vietnamese were settled in Port Arthur, TX and the Gulf Coast of Mississippi after Nam. They started up both Catholic parishes and Buddhist temples.}

Pleiku_Catholic_Shrine.JPGPleiku seriesThe shrine is what prompted me to ask about the church. It had several religious statues on it

Pleiku_Catholic__Shrine.jpgPleiku seriesAnother view of the rocky Catholic shrine

Plieku_Catholic_Shrine_2.JPGPleiku seriesPleiku Catholic Shrine: A panoramic view of the shrine and church yard.

Boy_Scout_Camp.jpgPleiku seriesFrom what I can determine, this was a Scout Jamboree. There were what looked like several different troop flags and numbers.

Christmas_Pleiku_12-66.jpgPleiku seriesThis was a Christmas party and dinner for kids from a local orphanage. Too bad this didn't make the news back home. It was more sensational news to sell the troops as "baby killers".

Dixie_Cups_Show.JPGPleiku seriesThe "Dixie Cups" Show: Famous for their hit song "Going To The Chapel". The one USO show I did get to see. Was at the NCO Training school at Enari and missed the Bob Hope Show.
{Webmaster's Note: The Dixie Cups were three students at the University of New Orleans in the 1960s. They recorded the song and made it big with that one number.}

Dixie_Cup_Show_2.JPGPleiku seriesThe Dixie Cups perform onstage.

Pleiku_Child.JPGPleiku seriesSmall boy playing in the barbed wire.

Pleiku_Children_(2).JPGPleiku seriesMust be friends of the boy in the previous photo in the barbed wire playing or going to market. This one has a basket.

Pleiku_Children.JPGPleiku seriesTypical Vietnamese children playing with downed tree branches.

Pleiku_GI_Bartering.JPGPleiku seriesPlieku GI bartering: Some GI's interacting with the Vietnamese children. Notice the one young girl holding something she wants to sell.
{Webmaster's Note: Many American-made items wound up in the local black markets. It was always amazing since there were certainly no legitimate means of distribution.}
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