
RW-17.JPGField ExpedientAnother common field expedient was the steel pot as a shaving bowl. However, using a bayonet to shave usually didn't work too well.

RW-19.JPGWhen there's no enemy around to fight...Staying in shape by practicing bayonet drills. Redlegs Dino Martin and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs.

RW-25.JPGMore horseplayRedlegs Barrington and Wilson engage in a little weaponry horseplay. Note the stateside OD uniforms. The 25th Inf Div Advance Party was sent over on Christmas Eve, December, 1965 and the full 3rd Brigade Task Force was deployed in January, 1966. It took awhile before the jungle fatigues were issued.

RW-26.JPGSpider holeDino Martin and Wilson posed outside a spider hole.

RW-27.JPGBrew TimeWilson, Barrington, and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs enjoying a brewsky.

RW-28.JPGWilson and RoufsPfc Wilson and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs outside the tent. Looks like Wilson got a tetanus booster shot.

RW-20.JPGModest quartersMy home at the Tea Plantation (Catecka). This area was south of Pleiku and south of Dragon.

RW-18.JPGEngineer HillPhoto of the volleyball net in the HHB area, Engineer Hill, Pleiku.

RW-21.JPGBase CampThe jeep I drove was the one on the right. I was detailed to drive for an FO at some time during Paul Revere 4 at Plei Jerang. I wish I could remember his name and where I drove to.

RW-22b.JPGRoofing the Mess HallBob was a carpenter and roofer, his secondary MOS.

RW-22a.JPGMess Hall New Mess Hall under construction. Dragon Mountain in the background.

RW-22.JPGNew Mess HallPhoto of new mess hall at Pleiku base camp.
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