
RW-Firing_Battery2.jpgGoing to the fieldLanding in a firing battery to get our work done.


RW-7.JPGDanny YatesFellow surveyor Danny Yates does a bucket dance.

RW-8.JPGDanny YatesFellow artillery surveyor Danny Yates does a Gillette commercial.

RW-9.JPGDanny YatesFellow artillery surveyor Danny Yates munches a banana.

RW-10.JPGSurveyors shavingArtillery surveyors Houch and Danny Yates cleaning up.

RW-12.JPGDino MartinMinus his white-stripe name tag.

RW-14.JPGIt's functionalMaybe it has no faucet but if you fill it with warm water, it's a pretty decent field shower.

RW-15.JPGDowntown PleikuThis place never made it as a tourist destination.

RW-16.JPGPith helmet?Downtown Pleiku: young girl wears a pith helmet instead of the more common conical hat (non la).

RW-11.JPGHide and SeekFellow redlegs Barrington and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs. Roufs came over from Hawaii with Operation Blue Light.

RW-13.JPGDino MartinDino Martin at home, guarding his prized possessions. Photo taken at the Tea Plantation.
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