
RW-M5a.JPGArrival at LZ MontezumaThis is a highly-traveled bridge on Hwy 1 which was essential for the farmers going to market and for our troop movements. The VC kept the engineers busy blowing up Hwy 1 bridges as soon as they were repaired.
{Webmaster note: I was in the same area at the same time. There is an identical photo in my Gallery that I took from a similar angle. Both photos show some identical debris in the foreground. Amazing coincidence.}

RW-M6.JPGOur Survey Hooch at LZ MontezumaOur tented headquarters for the surveyors. Note the slick flying high above the Sikorsky Sky Crane in the background. Carrying a water trailer for a Sky Crane is a very light load for it.

RW-M7.JPGFantastic Shot of LZ MontezumaThis is a fantastic shot of LZ Montezuma, later re-named "LZ Bronco" by 3rd Bde Commander Col James Shanahan, thus removing any trace of the prior Marine Corps occupation. This photo was taken from the landmark mountain overlooking LZ Montezuma at Duc Pho. Surveyor Danny Yates got a butt-chewing for climbing this mountain; he was told that both the Marine Corps and the VC set numerous mines and booby traps because of its military value. Turn around and you would see the South China Sea.

RW-Village_1.jpgArrival at LZ MontezumaTypical Vietnamese village in the Duc Pho area.

RW-Village2.jpgArrival at LZ MontezumaAnother village near Duc Pho.

RW-Hwy_1.JPGHighway 1Photo taken from Highway 1.

RW-Base1.jpgBase CampView of our Base Camp on Engineering Hill, north of Pleiku, July-August, 1966. This was our "go-to" bunker.

RW-Base2.jpgBase CampBase camp. What you are looking at is more sandbags to be filled.

RW-Base3.jpgBase CampOur survey hooch, circa 1966.

RW-Base4.jpgBase CampHere is our Mens Room, complete with shitter and piss tube.

RW-Base5.jpgBase CampPanorama of the Base Camp, circa 1966.

RW-Firing_Battery.jpgGoing to the fieldWe fly out to a field battery for survey work.
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