
Chic-8.JPGGetting serious"Now let's get serious. Where are we going to eat lunch?"

Chic-17.JPGFirst TimerRobert Wilson, artillery surveyor for the 2/9th is a "first timer" to the 35th reunion. He exchanged his brown shirt for the more formal red redleg shirt later.

Chic-16.JPGHow it's doneLegendary FO Ed Thomas explains to Mike Kurtgis how he can remove a beer bottle cap with just his thumbs.

Chic-15.JPGIn comfortPres Bill Henson shares his tales in the comfort of a lobby easy chair.

Chic-14.JPG"First Timer"Reunion veteran Moon Mullins chats with redleg first-time Ed Tucker who was the Sergeant Major of the Battalion Headquarters & Service Battery. Ed remembered a great deal about his service in Nam with The Mighty Ninth.

Chic-13.JPGCollaborationEach year, C-1-35 Company Commander Dave Collins collaborates with Ed Thomas, FO for several Cacti units, on the banquet seating chart. Looks like they've found an error of some kind!

Chic-22.JPGBanquet SeatingThe annual race for banquet seating takes place on Saturday morning. After a few years of trying different methods, this one works best.

Chic-20.JPGMan In ChargePresident Bill Henson runs the agenda of the annual 35th Board Meeting.

Chic-21.JPGBored MeetingThe necessary evil..."Bored" meetings of an organization.

Chic-19.JPGDave CollinsDave Collins assists with organizing the joint C-1-35 dinner with the redlegs of the 2/9th. Turned out to be a "marathon of fellowship" as the wait-staff was very short-handed that night. But...mission accomplished!

Chic-18.JPGThe MoonJohn "Moon" Mullins makes his dinner selection at the joint C-1-35 & 2/9th get-together.

2014_Ku_Award.JPGThe 2014 Ku AwardAfter the joint C-1-35 & 2/9th dinner, grunt Jerry Walling and his wife presented the coveted (or perhaps un-coveted) "Ku Award". The first award was presented to redleg Bert Landau a couple of years ago. What is the "Ku Award"? Don't ask.
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