
Hip_Shoot_at_LZ_Marianne.JPGHip Shoot @ LZ MarianneLZ Marianne hip shoot 9-69. (left to right): "Pineapple", a Section Chief, Sp4 Donald F. Morrell, far right is the Chief of Smoke. It was Pineapple's tube that had to be dropped when the Chinook was shot up leaving LZ Tuffy. He was a great photographer and had his VT fuse box with his camera equipment and his photos slung in the ammo net under the hook, which went down. Morrell was with the soul gun crew, I think he became section chief (gun 4?). Chief was a great guy. I think he was given a compassionate early return to the World because of his wife.

Brothers-in-Arms.jpgBrothers-In-ArmsHome from LZ Cathy 9-69. The non-lifer traveling FDC band of brothers (left to right): Clint Curry, Eugene ("George") Jarisch, Denny Mrowzinski, Mike Medley, and our leader eltee "Rucksack" Rucker (Lt. Hermie "Rucksack" Rucker).

PFC_Denny_Mrowcyznski.JPGPFC MrowczynskiDenny Mrowczynski standing at entrance to FDC/1st Sgt hooch at LZ St. George.
Note volleyball in the background and a mess tent. We only had it for a short time until one of the cooks burned to death while filling a stove. {See "TAPS" - PFC Odell Easley}

BC-_Hillbilly.JPGSent to me by othersBack of photo says "BC & Hillbilly". Pictures were sent to me over the years by Tex Shelton and Jackie Catron; most were taken before I arrived at the battery.

Hillbilly.JPGSent to me by others"Hillbilly" and canine friend behind one of the old split-trail 105mm.

AnKhe_AO.JPGBan Me ThoutOn the ground. These two photos look the same, but they aren't.

An_Khe_AO.JPGBan Me ThoutOn the ground in the AO.

Our_Gang-AnKhe_AO.JPGBan Me Thout (L to R) PFC Dennis Van Linder (promoted to Corporal and probably one of the last Corporals in the Army), Jim Hurdle, Carl from Georgia, Cruit (getting picked on as usual), Mike Medley (in the Joe Cool shades), Denny Mrowczynski, and Eugene "George" Jarisch.

Our_Gang_at_AnKhe.JPGBan Me Thout Jim Hurdle, Carl from Georgia, PFC Dennis Van Linder, Denny Mrowczynski, Cruit, and George Jarisch.

BreakTime_-_AnKhe_AO.JPGBan Me ThoutPFC William "PigPen" Nankervis (deceased 2013), Bullet Bob, Cruit, Tom Terrific, Carl, George, and Dennis Van Linder in foreground with glasses.

Break_Time_-_An_Khe.JPGBan Me ThoutIn foreground is FDC: (Left to right) Tom "Terrific" FNG from Manitou Springs, CO, Carl from Georgia no longer the FNG, Cruit who forever was just that, "George" Jarisch, Bullet Bob (back to camera with glasses), and Bill "Nan the Man" Nankervis(deceased) who could always give the Peanuts character Pigpen a run for his money.

Christmas_convoy.JPGOn the road again On the road again, another fond memory of Christmas Eves past.