
hsb_clean.JPGApril, 1969Photo taken at 2/9th Headquarters Service Battery at Camp Enari. Cleaning up and heading to the Forward HQ at LZ Oasis.

10th_Cav.JPG10th Cav airshipsJanuary, 1969. I think all this stuff belongs to the 10th Cav.

Lea2_Mail.JPGMail CallMost important moment of the day. My friend Eugene Lea checks his mail.

Lea_Baird.JPGReady to push?PFC Eugene Lea in the foreground; Captain Robert Baird, ADA, in the background. In case the jeep conks out, they gotta push it.

Long_House.JPGLeaving Ben HetMarch, 1969. Heading to Oasis from Ben Het.

Looking_Around.JPGJanuary, 1969Looking around the LZ.

Lt_Huff.JPGJanuary, 1969. Lt Steven Riley Huffstutler, KIAPictured in the middle of the photo without shirt is the FO, Lt. Huffstutler. He was killed in a helicopter crash on 18May69. Unknown LZ.

me_injeep.JPGCommo WorkAugust, 1969. We made a run to the "Rock Pile" (Engineer Hill) to check on a retrans (re-transmission) station.

Nam_Barracks.JPGBarracksAre we stateside yet? Looks more and more like typical stateside barracks life.

Robert_Biza.jpgBarracks conferenceThe one on the bed is "B" Battery Clerk Robert P. Biza. The others all around him is a big question. I asked Jim Kaller, he was a clerk too, but he could only ID Robert. The other guys seated around him could be from "B" Battery also or perhaps some of the drivers. I remember Robert though; I slept in the same hooch with him. Anyone recognize the others?


Commo_Sgt2.JPGMy Commo AssignmentJune, 1969 - Dragon Mountain. My commo assignment. {Orders musta come down not to call it "Titty Mountain" anymore.}
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