
Bn_Co.JPG2/9th Battalion CommanderHere the BnCo, LTC Redmond Forrester, is flying out.

SGM.JPGCSM Howard E. HughesThey called him "Pappy"...but I didn't!

A-2-9__m102.JPG"A" Battery, 2/9th"A" Battery outfitted with M-102s.

Feb_69_CofC.JPGFebruary, 1969: Change of Command CeremonyThe Change of Command ceremony taking place at the 1/69th Armor.

Feb_69_CC.JPGFebruary, 1969: Change of Command CeremonyLZ Oasis, Change of Command ceremony for the 1/69th Armored Regiment.

Jan_69_niteshift.JPGJanuary, 1969: The Night ShiftHere I am on the night shift, 2300hrs to 0700hrs. It was quiet and I liked that!

Enroute.jpgJanuary, 1969: the road belowJanuary, 1969: I was enroute to a firebase.

Enroute2.JPGJanuary, 1969Photo taken on my way to a firebase in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. They had a reason for calling it "the highlands".

Valley_Fire2.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valley155mm howitzers firing in support of units across the valley.

Valley_Fire3.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valleyAnother view of the action area.

Valley_Fire4.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valleySame scenario

Valley_Fire5.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valleyLooking around the firebase.
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