
Awards.JPGGeneral Orders No. 8279, pg 1 - AwardsAward of the Army Commendation Medal, 30Dec69 to Steve Cox.

Awards2.JPGGeneral Order No. 8279, pg 2Awards continued on page 2.

DEROS-1.JPGSpecial Orders No. 358, Pg 1, DEROSWould you believe? Finally got those DEROS orders.

DEROS2.JPGSpecial Orders No. 358, Pg 2, DEROS15Jan70 report stateside. There's my name; I'm going home.

Refrad3.JPGSpecial Orders No. 14, Pg 1, REFRADOrders relieving from Active Duty, 14Jan70 to the USAR.

Refrad4.JPGSpecial Orders No. 14, Pg 2, REFRADUS Army Reserve Control Group here I come!

1-69_Reunion.JPG1/69th Armor Reunion - 2012A gathering of the 1/69 Armor brothers took place in 2012.

256.JPGModern Day SteveWith the days of Vietnam far behind him, we have Steve Cox at age 65.

255.JPGThe hat of experienceMemories and emblems of Vietnam on Steve's hat.

SC-257.JPGModern-day buddiesEugene Lea and Steve Cox.

SC-258.JPGModern Day BuddiesSteve Cox and Ron Watts...just a few years away from Vietnam.

Steve_Cox_-_Jessie_White.jpgOl' Buds ReunitedJessie White lives in Carthage Tenn. Jessie arrived at the 2/9th in Oct.1969 in the HQ Service Battery as a Field Wireman. He ended up with the 4/42d, as an RTO in an FO Party and sent to the field with the infantry. While serving with the infantry, Jessie got good at putting 105mm rounds in the back pocket of the VC. Later, the 4/42d Lt. Col. commander found out that Jessie was just a E3. He made Jessie an E5 right there in the field.
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