
June_69_unk.JPGSorry, can't remember the nameJune, 1969. A fellow GI. Taken at Camp Enari.

June_69_Mail_Room_bunk.JPGJune, 1969Got the mailroom job and this is my bunk area, complete with standing GI metal locker, wooden footlocker, and mosquito mesh over bunk. Next photo is Steven Brown, the guy who went home and I got his job.

Steven_C__Brown.jpgEverybody's Friend - 2/9th Mail ClerkSteven is the one that drove me out to the Oasis and told me he was going back to the states, and we had the same MOS. I got his job. Photo furnished by Paul Howe.

pole_climb.JPGPole ClimberOctober, 1969. Finally got to use my real MOS, 36K20, a pole climber

Pole_Repair.JPGAfter Mother's Day AttackSteven Cox at the Oasis, climbing the pole to make repairs.

Pole_Repair-2.JPGAfter Mother's Day AttackSteven Cox at the Oasis, on the pole after the Mother's Day attack at LZ Oasis. We are fixing the cable that was cut the night before. One of the men on the shown below me is the Commo Sgt. This photo was taken with a Polaroid I had to work on it to get it this good.

oct_69_courer.JPGOctober, 1969: The big move from Oasis to Camp EnariAfter the move to Camp Enari, I had another job handed to me. I became a Courier.

wait_for_chpper.JPGAlways waitingStanding by the runway...waiting for the next chopper.

courier_enroute.JPGCourier Chopper HoppingA key element of my courier assignment was to hop on a helicopter...then another...then another.

courier_in_helo.JPGRiding with the 2/9th Bn XOI'm catching a ride with the 2/9th Bn XO as I am delivering SOI and radio frequency books to the gun batteries.

taking_break.JPGRoad GogglesAnyone in a Vietnam road convoy knows the value of road goggles.

Steve_in_Mailroom.JPGMail RoomLucky Me! I snagged the Mail Room job from a guy heading out on DEROS. Asked for it and got it.
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