
Kontum_Hills.JPGHills of Kontum ProvinceSome taller than others, but they provided the cool downdrafts at night to offset the hellish temps as high as 110 degrees in the summer.

Hwy_19.JPGThis is just a part of Hwy 19. It was the site of many "L"-shaped ambushes when our convoys came down the road.

1stCav.jpg1st Cav was hereAt the right end of the red line is the famous 1st Cav Insignia. The 1st Cav held this Mang Yang Pass area for a long time prior to moving. The road leads to the mountain peak and stops.

Tiger_Tracks.JPGTiger in the jungleA reminder that Vietnam was a jungle---fresh tiger tracks. These tracks were sighted by a patrol going up the Mang Yang peak. Highway 19, RVN

BlownBridge.jpgHwy 19 - Bridge DownThe VC loved to remind us that they were around. This bridge was vital to the many convoys and local commerce down Hwy 19. Sp5 Bob Wilson has the same photo, more to the right, of this same bridge destruction.

ARVN_camp.jpgThe ARVN / CIDG CompoundLocated on a hill mass on Hwy 19 in the vicinity of the infamous Mang Giang Pass, this was a radio relay station inhabited by civilians and their families. This compound was a source of constant aggravation.


InsideARVN.jpgView from insidePhoto taken from inside the ARVN compound. Note the heavily fortified fence. February, 1967.

Highway_19.jpgThe infamous Highway 19The infamous Hwy 19 going thru the Mang Yang Pass. The road ran from An Khe to Qui Nhon. Most everyone has a "war story" concerning event(s) on Hwy 19.

Hiway19.JPGWinding Road - 19The infamous Highway 19 had both low and high elevations. It appears that a unit patch was constructed just above the road, center of photo.

Fire-in-hole.JPGThe Burning PitEvery evening at dusk, we would gather up all the unused powder charges, put them in a pit in a line, ignite the end of the line, and watch the show. The evening sky made for a beautiful background.

Goodies.JPGLZ EnglishGreatest moment of any day in Nam...mail call and a package from home.
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