
The_Trail_Pass.jpgLooking towards PleikuA good view of the topography at Mang Yang Pass on Highway 19. The roadside position of Company A-2-35 can be seen at the left of the highway. The company was guarding Hwy 19 during January and February, 1967.

Hwy19_Bridge.JPGHwy 19 BridgeAnother view of the bridge from below. Note highway signs.

Hwy19-Bunker.jpgSide ViewSide view of tactical bridge site. The bunker at far right provided night protection. Snipers harassed our A/2/35 perimeter from the trees at top.

ARVN_perimeter.JPGCompound perimeterPhoto from inside the ARVN compound, looking outward from the perimeter. Notice gun barrel pointing out at lower right.

ARVN_Comp.JPGThe site of an important radio relay station manned by the ARVNs. It is directly in line with the ARVN compound on a higher peak.

CommandingView.jpgHighway 19Hills protect either side of the Mang Yang Pass. In the center, Highway 19 leads to An Khe - Qui Nhon.
Picture taken from atop the Pass.

Rainbow.jpgRainbow at Highway 19Angular photo shows a rainbow passing directly over the Infantry company A-2-35 commanded by Capt Charlie Murray.
February, 1967.

C-2-9.jpg2/9th at Mang Yang PassThree howitzers of C/2/9 were moved to the Mang Yang Pass on Hwy 19. Hills in the background were the source of incoming mortars.

LZ-OD-Air.jpgCatch-all shotThis photo captures the entire firebase known as LZ Olive Drab (OD) along with the protective hill in the background that flanked LZ Montezuma/FSB Bronco. Over that hill is the South China Sea.

ReelTapeRcdr.JPGTape DiaryLt Dauphin shows off his 3" reel-to-reel GE tape recorder used to correspond with family in the States. Operated on four "D" Cells (BA-30s) and still works even today. To my everlasting regret, it arrived the morning after the long firefight to take command of the Duc Pho area. Lt Don Keith and I were on the radio with fire missions for 48 hours continuous.

DD-pipe.JPGIt was tobaccoCourtesy of Lt Dennis Munden, who served shoulder-to-shoulder with me in the FDC CONEX at LZ OD in 1967. He snapped this shot of my handy pipe. It was filled with Cherry Blend pipe tobacco and none of the "local stuff".

Panorama-DucPho.JPG3rd Brigade, 25th -LZ Montezuma, FSB BroncoProbably the best all-inclusive aerial shot. Shows the airstrip, the easily spotted hill next to the base, and the blue South China Sea over the hill. The US Marines originally occupied Duc Pho and were re-assigned further north toward the DMZ. The 2/9th got the assignment in the Spring of 1967 to replace them. The 3rd Bde Commander re-named the base "FSB Bronco", replacing the Marine's choice. Troops were warned not to climb the hills due to booby traps and mines.
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