
Local_Transportation.jpgGreyhound BusNot quite, but this little Lambretta was the "people-mover" of its day.

Downtown.JPGStreets of SaigonThe hustle and bustle of the main boulevard.

Downtown2.jpgStreets of SaigonBusy boulevard on the main drag in Saigon. Many different and exotic types of convenyances here...both public and private. Of course, the "Detroit" model is sidelined.

USO.jpgStreets of SaigonThe USO building, downtown Saigon

Majestic.jpgStreets of SaigonThe Majestic Hotel, downtown Saigon

Helgoland.JPGStreets of SaigonThe German hospital ship, "The Helgoland", is docked at the port of Saigon. It's mission was humanitarian.

MACV.jpgStreets of SaigonMACV Headquarters, complete with general officer flag and black sedan.

Kids-Candy.jpgStreets of SaigonKids selling American candy bars in the door of a Vietnamese laundry...just one of the many strange sights in a strange land.

ShyGirls.JPGStreets of SaigonThese two little girls didn't want their picture taken.

Working_Crew.jpgStreets of SaigonAnother culture shock...the "coolies" working on this culvert repair job include women! Note the "staw boss" standing to the right of the truck. Some things never change...even halfway across the world.

TSN1.JPGTan Son Nhut / Camp AlphaFirst glimpse of the Iroquois or "slicks" at the Tan Son Nhut airbase. Was to become the major mode of transportation throughout the tour.

TSN2.JPGTan Son Nhut / Camp AlphaA closer view of the Iroquois.
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