
SkyCrane.jpgHauling WaterA Sikorsky Sky Crane is put on duty to haul a water trailer. Usually a chore handled by the CH-47s.

Flooded_Paddies.jpgLZ OD - Flooding the paddiesAlmost totally unfazed by the surrounding hostilities, the rice farmers flood their fields. A clear view (looking south) from LZ OD to LZ Montezuma / Bronco in the distance. The rice paddies were worked every day. We had no road transportation out of LZ OD. You had to fly or walk.

scan0002.jpgGot Beer?You never knew what a luxury hot beer would be! Lt Dauphin shows off a "beer moustache".

GotBeer.jpgWarm BeerThe year was 1967 and the beer was available; warm beer, that is. It was 3.2 beer and warm, but...we drank it anyway!

murray.jpgCapt Charles A. MurrayCompany Commander of A/2/35. West Point grad who later became a trial lawyer. Proud to have served with Charlie as his FO.

Slide56.jpgCam Rahn BayQuonset huts served the purpose for quick installation setup. Taken before departure for home.

A-2-9_Guidon.jpgEsprit de CorpsTime out for a little esprit de corps....taking your picture with the battery guidon.

Geter.jpgThe Final Days at Tam Ky(UNK Cannoneer), Sgt Artie Geter (at right) - Section Chief for the base piece, A/2/9, October, 1967. Sgt Geter was an expert artilleryman...on time and on target!
It was time to say goodbye to my best Section Chief.

TamKy.jpgThe Final Days: October, 1967 RSOP from LZ OD to Tam KyThe monsoon lifts; BnCo Bobzien (hands on hips) checks on troops. White t-shirt: SSG Frank Venegas, Chief of Smoke (deceased); Capt Mike Casp (KIA) in front-left. Soldier in the rear is likely Lt Malcolm Spencer, who became the new "A"Battery Executive Officer (XO). The vital FDC CONEX unit was not totally covered in sandbags when the monsoon hit. If you note carefully, the mud is totally mush.

Tam_Ky_1.JPGTam Ky - Final LZThe mountainous, and very uneven terrain of Tam Ky, was my last stop before DEROS. It was the WORST LZ I have ever been on! There was not enough flat, level ground to place six howitzers in the standard star formation. Judging from the slushy ground and unkempt look of this position, this photo was taken after a very severe monsoon hit us.

Andrews.jpgThe Final Days at Tam KySection Chief SSG Lake Andrews...one of the best and most respected leaders in the battery.
I was blessed with excellent Section Chiefs! God Bless them!

btry.jpgThe Final DaysSaying goodbye to my cannoneers
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