
Field_Targets.jpgTarget ZoneSigns of a lot of ordnance being used in the Central Highlands

Armed_CH-47.jpgChinook DemoArmed CH-47

CH-47_Water.jpgLZ ODThe Chinook pilots did a magnificent job in setting down supplies. The tough part was "unhooking the doughnut".

Stamper.jpg"A" Battery Field Mess HallGiven the great ingenuity of the battery's cannoneers, a stateside-quality mess hall was built on LZ OD with Sgt Dan Stamper as "Chef in Charge". Over his shoulder is the 3rd Bde HQ at LZ Montezuma next to the South China Sea at Duc Pho. The sign says: "Ma Stamper's Greasy Spoon".

LZ_OD_Mess_Kitchen.JPGChow TimePFC Alvin Hite, Cook and SFC Frank Venegas, Chief of Smoke, enjoy a "hot meal" from the mermite cans at LZ OD, firebase for 1/35th and "A" Battery.
SFC Venegas eventually became the Command Sergeant Major of III Corps Artillery located at Ft. Sill, Ok where he resided until his death.

Cmd_Staff.jpgLZ OD - Command & StaffRadar Officer Emil Franklin, Capt Mike Casp (KIA, Nov 67), Lt Dennis Munden, FCO, 1Sgt William Rollins, Lt Dennis Dauphin, XO. "A" Battery, LZ OD
Sign says: "Practice Malaria Discipline"

Capt_Mike_Casp,_BC.JPGThe BestCaptain Mike Casp, KIA in November, 1967, was the best commanding officer that I served under during my tour from 1966-67. Mike was a West Point grad and Captain of the West Point football team. May he rest in peace.

Slide50.jpgLast Line of DefenseLt Dauphin using sidearm .45 caliber. Perimeter defense rehearsals were common.

Bubble.jpgThe Bubble arrivesThe Bell helo indicated that the BnCo was enroute for a visit. This was not usually a good sign.

Inside_CONEX.jpgFDC inside CONEX containersBest idea in Nam: using CONEX containers as Fire Direction Centers: airmobile and immediate on-station use of artillery. Red circle on map shows range limits of 105mm howitzers. The chart with the RDP was the firing chart and the chart to the left (not shown) was the "check chart". The binders contained records of each mission.

Montezuma.jpgLZ MontezumaAKA Fire Support Base Bronco, under construction. Spring, 1967, near Duc Pho

L-19.jpgLZ MontezumaAn L-19 light observation craft used by Forward Air Controllers (FAC) to coordinate air strikes by confirming ground target locations.
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