The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

VC-Capture.jpgCaptured VCTroops gather around VC prisoner awaiting transport to interrogation.
Captured_Mortar.jpgEnemy mortarCaptured enemy mortar
Wigginton.JPGNew LensPfc Douglas Wigginton served as a "volunteer" to have his picture taken with a new portrait lens purchased in Hong Kong. Still gotta work on focus, though.
Captured_Rifle.jpgRecoilless RifleCaptured enemy recoilless rifle
Geter-1.jpgSection Chief Artie GeterSFC Artie Geter, right, was always the first section to report "Ready!" to the XO. So, I promoted Artie to "Base Piece" Section Chief, an honor among cannoneers.
Slide37.jpg105mm AmmoComponents of a 105 round on display. Note the 360-degree capability of the trails. Most of the ammo crates were marked "1944".
PowderChg.jpgPowder BagsMy family had no clue as to what "powder charges" were, so I clipped out this news article which showed the proper display of the powder charges being held up for count verification and sent it homeward.
Anti-personnel_Rd.jpgThe Beehive RoundA beehive round is loaded for firing. The tube is levelled and fuse set for immediate burst in case of a "human wave" attack on a firebase.
Dart.jpgFleschette8,000 little stingers inside a 105mm Anti-Personnel (BeeHive) round.
Firing.jpgLZ ODBase Piece fires. Note the hearing safety devices.
Slide41.jpgWatching the arcA smoke round is fired close enough to see the smoke cannisters released and follow to the ground at LZ OD. (Look at center-right). Our cannoneers never got much chance to actually "see" where an artillery round landed, but LZ OD was an ideal location to show a complete path from firing the round until it completed its arc.
LZ-OD.jpgOrigins of LZ ODLZ Olive Drab is under construction. Became home to the 1/35th Inf Bn HQ and "A" Battery, 2/9th. Here is a rare opportunity to fire Charge 1 and see a smoke round land.

Location: We are looking due north. Turning around, we would see LZ Montezuma, later re-named LZ Bronco, and the South China See. We came here to relieve the Marines who were sent further north. Our other two batteries were located nearby at LZ Liz and LZ Mary Lou. We eventually departed LZ OD for Tam Ky in early October.
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