The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

KontumHills.JPGScenic ViewThis road may be part of the Highway 19 that ran from An Khe to Qui Nhon.
Collimnator.jpgCollimnator replaces Aiming Stakes"High Tech" arrives in Vietnam. The brand new tool called a "collimnator" provides a gunner with a superior tool replacing the red & white banded aiming stakes. Only problem was that Ft Sill hadn't counted on the 110% humidity and the sight glasses fogging up. Stakes were still needed. Also, protective boxes had to be constructed.
Powder_Bags.JPGPicture Worth a 1,000 wordsIn order to explain a little about our firing battery to the folks back home, I used this photo clearly showing the powder bags held up for the Executive Officer (XO) to verify that the correct charge was being used to fire the round. In this case, with four bags out of seven not in the tube, it is Charge 3. That round won't go very far away from the firebase at that charge. PS> Straddling the leg of a 105mm is not Ft Sill approved procedure.
Posn.JPGScenic viewOn location at LZ OD
Regis.JPGDaily TaskEach battery was required to register every day.
Sunrise.JPGSunrise, SunsetMorning and evening skies were a palette of a million colors.
Sunrise2.JPGSunrise, SunsetThe sun rises behind the mountain that served as the rear flank for the 3rd Brigade HQ at LZ Montezuma/FSB Bronco.
Shower.JPGThe Field ShowerThis is about as close to a civilized shower as you will find in Vietnam. The hot water heater never did arrive.
FO-Map.jpgFO's Map, Highway 19The red line is Hwy 19. H&I fire areas are marked as well as the "Delta Tangos" (defensive concentrations) for quick reaction in case of contact.
ThePass.jpg"The Pass"Going thru the Mang Yang Pass on Highway 19. Looks like the road was designed for ambushes.
AerialViewPaddies.jpgRice Paddies - Aerial ViewA helicopter view of the irrigation system for rice paddies near Duc Pho.
WaterTank.jpg"Mang Yang" (Mang Giang) PassAn abandoned water tank on top of a hill overlooking the infamous Mang Yang pass. An excellent observation point.
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