
SG-28.JPGTaking a break on LZ MeadeThe FDC crew taking a well-deserved break in front of the FDC bunker. From Left to Right: Pete Beringer, Greg Malnar, Lou Onarato, Jimmy Loy, Mickey Mattocks.

SG-29.JPGHigh Angle fire at LZ MeadeSmoke, fire and destruction! The gun crew is firing a high-angle mission. Conditions were quite smoky. Not a very pretty LZ.

SG-30.JPGLZ Meade fire missionsMore firing by "A" Battery just before leaving LZ Meade. When it was not so dusty, we could actually see the South China Sea from this LZ.

SG-22a.JPGLZ PonyWe hooked out of LZ Meade and landed on an interesting little LZ called "Pony". LZ Pony was low and flat and adjacent to an airstrip (very adjacent). There was a rice paddy just north of the LZ. The photo shows the FDC bunker and the two fellows are George Skulzachek on the left and Greg Malnar on the right.

SG-22.JPGBig guns on LZ PonyOn LZ Pony, we had the pleasurable company of a 175mm gun and an 8" howitzer. Don't know who they belonged to, however. Always a thrill to hear and feel a 175mm gun fire. We were at this LZ for only a few days. I do not recall any fire missions. We convoyed up to Phu Cat AFB, loaded up on C-130s and flew to Kontum.

SG-23.JPGAirstrip at LZ PonyDid I say that we were adjacent to a landing strip? Any closer and I would have lost my head.

SG-24.JPGSpare TubeHere I am sitting on a spare tube for the 175mm gun. Due to their compression and long-distance firing, the tubes didn't last very long.

SG-Clip_1.jpgYes...we got "swapped"This clipping clearly delineates the events that occurred to the 3rd Brigade...often called "the Bastard Brigade" after its arrival in Nam. This clipping has been added to the Mighty Ninth Homepage as documentation for the uninformed or the misinformed. The brigades were not re-joined with their respective Divisions; the men were told to swap out their right shoulder patches.

Battle_Clip_1.jpgBattle with NVAThe Mighty Ninth supports "B" Company, 1/14th in a major firefight.

Battle_Clip_1a.jpgBattle with NVA...continued. Artillery makes the enemy back off once again!

Battle_Clip.jpgCacti Green supported by 2/9thAnother major battle displaying the combat teamwork of the 1/35th and the 2/9th.

Modern-Day_Steve.JPGModern DayModern-day Steve Gorecki. He wears a different kind of helmet these days.
Reminds us of the book: "We Were Young...and Soldiers". With emphasis, of course, on "were".