
SG-12.JPGThe 105mm is a casualtyOne of our howitzers became a casualty...it was either mortars or a recoilless rifle.

SG-13.JPGDamage at LZ IncomingLoss of memory on this day. I do recall faintly that this gun took a recoilless round to the right wheel. I think the Gunner was seriously hurt or killed.

SG-14.JPGSandbags do work!This photo is living proof that sandbags saved lives. These three (3) layers of sandbags stopped a mortar round on the top of the FDC CONEX roof. We had to clean our pants after that hit.

SG-15.JPGLZ Mile HighWe moved to LZ Mile High. That is LZ Incoming in the background---the bald spot on the hill. The "Daisy Cutter" bomb that cleared this site left us some serious challenges to make a home! Would have killed for a chain saw.

SG-16.JPGThe FDC MonolithWe could not dig down, so we had to go up with the FDC CONEX. On the left is Loy & Beringer. The trees that were left were hard as steel. Had to live around them. This firebase was quite compact.

SG-17.JPGBeringer & MePete Beringer and yours truly. The FDC Bunker was a sight to behold. Luckily, we never got hit!

SG-18.JPGLZ Mile HighBird's eye view of LZ Mile High taken from the top of the FDC CONEX. Big mess tent in the background! Also, that really cool radar that allowed us to plot 8-place coordinate grids on the Cong & NVA.

SG-19.JPGLZ Mile High Chopper PadThe chopper pad on LZ Mile High was just feet away from our bunkers. That's Loy & Beringer humping water or gas cans.

SG-21.JPGSkull & ShadesSomewhere along the line one of the "locals" lost his head.
Only to have it reappear on our Flag "Standard"

SG-25.JPGLZ Meade"A" Battery just arriving by "shithook" (Chinook) on LZ Meade. We had just left the comparable "luxury" (?) of LZ English. LZ Meade was dusty, dirty, and worst of all, rocky. Could not fill a sandbag...too hard to dig. Apparently we were not the first unit to occupy the hill as there was a lot of stuff left from previous tenants. No ID's on the guys in the photo.

SG-26.JPGLZ MeadeWhat would we have done without the Chinook? This one found a nice level place to park!

SG-27.JPGRe-visiting Iwo Jima?The FDC crew was attempting to be clever in duplicating the flag-raising on Iwo Jima. It was actually the raising of a R-292 antenna. Can't communicate without it. Smiling Greg Malnar on the left leading the event. Great place for a sniper on the hill behind. We did not stay there long enough for anyone to figure that out thankfully.