
Rick_at_6.JPGRunning thru the jungleRick is in the lead in the black shirt; medic David "Doc" Brown is right behind him.

Rick_at_7.jpgDoc & ScoutOn the left is a "Kit Carson" scout known only as "Sonn"; next to him is David "Doc" Brown.

Rick_at_8.jpgDavid "Doc" BrownBrown grins for the camera. Look around...you'll see life in the field on those many S&D missions.

Rick_at_9.jpgWoundedA man is down; we are getting him ready for evacuation.

Rick_at_10.jpgTaking careDavid "Doc" Brown tends to our wounded soldier.

AK-1.JPGAircraft at An Khe runwayThe following photos are targets of Charlie's sapper attacks on the night before Rick left Nam for the US. Heck of a going-away party!

AK-2.JPGAircraft at An Khe runwayMini-guns...nasty little buggers

AK-3.JPGAircraft at An Khe runwayAttack Cobra

AK-4.JPGAircraft at An Khe runwayLooks like a rotor is missing....

AK-5.JPGAircraft at An Khe runwayThe Cobra attack helo

AK-6.JPGAircraft at An Khe runwayCobra with 3-man crew.

AK-7.JPGAircraft at An Khe runwayCobra ready for a mission.
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