
Wald-24.JPGVC PrisonersMembers of 1/35 Inf Regt looking over some VC prisoners at LZ Tip, Feb 67. In the center background is Maj Gerrold Tippin, S-3, 1/35 Inf Regt.

Wald-25.JPGGuard DutyStanding guard over a VC prisoner. LZ Tip, Feb 67.

Wald-26.JPGTent MatesCpl John Kuntz, back; PFC James G. Hourigan, front.

Wald-27.JPGLZ Tip, Jan 67Note the use of partially sandbagged CP tents. These went out of favor quickly when mortars were incoming.

Wald-29.JPGNo time for a smoke breakPFC James G. Hourigan loads a "big bullet" into the 105mm howitzer.

Wald-30.JPGWaiting on gunsRedlegs occupy LZ Tip, Jan 67, while waiting for the guns to arrive.

Wald-31.JPGLZ TipPFC Marion N. Sullivan walks over to the #6 Section, Jan 67.

Wald-32.JPGLZ Tip, Jan 67View from LZ Tip.

Wald-32a.jpgAir PowerBoth a CH-47 and a Huey in service at LZ Tip, January, 1967.

Wald-32b.jpgLighted Barber PoleHow do you find your deflection stake in the dark? Well, here's how.


Wald-32d.jpgLZ Tip, Jan 67Uneven topography makes for an interesting firebase arrangement.
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