
Wald-12.JPGHwy 19Stationed at the An Khe Pass.

Wald-13.JPGAn Khe Pass; Hwy 19Tank Wrecker in background.

Wald-14.JPGSgt Charles R. HoltSection Chief Charles Holt walking and smoking.

Wald-15.JPGIn a hurryIt's either a fire mission or the chow bell. Mike UNK is in a hurry.

Wald-16.JPGBig SmileA big smile from PFC Vernon Sullivan.

Wald-17.JPGMonsoon's been hereTell-tale water in the blade holes is evidence of a monsoon. An Khe Pass, circa New Year's, 1967.

Wald-18.JPGPFC HouriganLZ Tip, Feb 67.

Wald-19.JPG"Yes...We Deliver"PFC Hourigan and PFC John Waldman stand ready to deliver some hot steel. Taken at LZ Tip, Feb 1967.

Wald-20.JPGReady for actionPFC John Waldman, LZ Tip, Feb, 1967.

Wald-21.JPGCpl John KuntzLZ Tip, Feb 67. Cpl Kuntz, later promoted to Sgt E-5, had a DEROS of 17Oct67. He is listed on the "A" Battery roster of 1Oct67.

Wald-22.JPGCapturedCaptured VC await processing from LZ Tip, Feb 67.

Wald-23.JPGVC PrisonersLZ Tip, Feb 67.
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