
SA-4.JPGNew and OldJohn "Moon" Mullins, left, was a member of Maj Jerry Orr's TOC back in '68. It's Moon's first trip to a 35th Inf Regt reunion.

SA-5.JPGProud RedlegLt Jim James, FO, 2/9th, proudly displays his order of "Arty Shirts" standing next to his wife Donice. It's Jim's second trip to a 35th Inf Regt reunion; Jim lives in the SA area.

SA-6.JPGTRIFECTA!!Trifecta - Part I: at left is Sgt John Waldman who served as Lt Don Keith's RTO in 1967. It was John's first visit to a 35th Inf Regt reunion.

SA-7.JPGTRIFECTA!!TRIFECTA - Part II: FO Lt Don Keith is seated next to Sgt John "Doc" Brown. Sgt Brown helped Don load a wounded Cpt Nealon on to a MedEvac chopper along with Sp4 Stephen Peck (KIA) who was mortally wounded in a firefight on 6 March 1967.

SA-8.JPGTRIFECTA!!TRIFECTA - Part III: Sgt John Hayward served as FO Lt Don Keith's RTO. Would you believe that Don met THREE men who served with him at ONE reunion??? Just amazing!

SA-10.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargaritaJackie Dauphin (Lt Dennis Dauphin) and Lorraine Knight (Lt Mike Kurtgis) seemed to be in the street with the approaching bandido in a colorful wall mural at the La Margarita restaurant in the Mexican Market.

SA-11.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargaritaLt Mike Kurtgis, Jackie Dauphin, and Lorraine Knight enjoying a fine evening.

SA-12.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargaritaWOW! Wife Alexis Munden (left) seems astounded by husband Dennis' telling of a war story. Lt Gary Dean Springer (center) seems less impressed, while Lt FO Ed Thomas is mildly undecided.

SA-13.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargaritaLt FO Dennis Munden appears justly proud of amazing his audience with his story-telling. Lovely spouse Alexis Munden seated at right and Lt Gary Dean Springer (with the "Santa Claus" hair) is seated at the table end.

SA-14.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargaritaLt Bert "Bert-Ku" Landau sharing smiles with Sgt Edwin Moor and guest Lou Ann.

SA-15.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargaritaIt may look like a picnic table in the middle of a street scene, but it's actually the men and gals of C-1-35 and 2/9th Arty enjoying a Friday night soiree.

SA-16.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargaritaJohn "Moon" Mullins seems to be enjoying a prank played on Maj Jerry Orr, thinking he has a working camera. Jerry will get "the picture" soon.