
2010-Pitts25.JPGThe Morning AfterDeparting early Sunday morning: Dennis Dauphin (2/9), George Keener and Past Assn President Dick Arnold (35th).

2010-Pitts26.JPGHeading outDennis & Jackie Dauphin prepare to depart the Radisson.

2010-Pitts27.JPGGoodbye!FO Lt Don Kieth has told all of his "war stories" (again). He and wife Barb departing from the lobby of the Radisson.

2010-Pitts28.JPGAdios!Sgt Ernest Correia packed up and ready to move out.

Ed_Thomas_home.jpgGoing home in styleEd Thomas is ready to mount his "Harley Hog" and head back to Kansas after another great reunion. Have a safe journey, Ed!
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