
Guyton.jpgSgt Wardell Guyton - Survey SectionSgt Wardell Guyton (1965) after coming back from SG 9. He was in the Survey Section under Section Chief Edwin Tucker. Wardell joined the Reserves and went to Iraq. He retired as a LtCol and died of leukemia this year (2009). Wardell is buried at Arlington Cemetery.

Guyton_North.jpgCongrats, WardellWardell Guyton is congratulated by Ollie North upon his retirement.

Tucker.jpgSection Chief Edwin TuckerModern-day photo of Section Chief Edwin Tucker. Ed attended his very first reunion (35th & 2/9th) in Chicago in 2014. Ed now lives in New York.

Bill_Ross.jpgSp4 Bill Ross2/9th Motor Pool, Schofield Barracks, 1964. {See modern-day photo of Bill Ross}

Mershon.jpgOriginal Blue Light memberA modern-day picture of PFC Charles Mershon, a wireman for the Commo Section of the 2/9th Arty and part of Operation Blue Light commencing operations in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.

Buddies.jpgMy Nam BuddiesDan Ward, left, Harold Woody, center, and William (Bill) Ross, (deceased) Commo Section, right.

Woody,Tucker,Guyton.jpgMore BuddiesSection Chief Edwin Tucker (center) and Wardell Guyton, right (deceased) pose with Harold Woody.

Woody-Guyton.jpgGood BuddyHarold Woody having breakfast with the late Wardell Guyton.