
Dixon68.jpgAdoptionRemember the photo where I mentioned that I adopted a boy and a girl from the local orphanage? {See Photo Dixon #16} You saw the boy in that shot. Here is me and the little girl when she came to visit at Duc Pho. Photos are even fading now. I think this was Christmas of 1967...

Dixon69.jpgMy Lifesaver - USMCReferring back to my "War Story" about the Marine who may have saved my life and lived in the tent behind our commo tent in Duc Pho? This is him, just off in the right of this Polaroid. And Notice the Marine Corps 3/4-ton truck down below.

Dixon70.jpgUnknownSomeone wrote in about a fellow in one of the field batteries whom I believe had a Spanish surname. I am not sure if this was him or not, but I recall knowing this guy who I think was either B or C battery. As I recall he was shot, possibly KIA. Great fellow with a good sense of humor... but again, darned if I can remember his name...

Dixon71.jpgHere come the tanksThese were some of the tanks that armor guys operated out of LZ Montezuma. I remember them, the ordnance and the engineering boys clearing a road for us to convoy once.

Dixon72.jpgOne way to do it!One of the tanker trailers that brought water for our wonderful SHOWER! We painted a 50-gallon drum BLACK and it sat in the sun all day long... so we had HOT showers at night!!!

Dixon73.jpgKIA Charles "Bruce" McClurg?I believe this MAY be a foggy shot I took of KIA Charles "Bruce" McClurg on the right. I can't remember the fellow's name on the left. They were both on KP duty this day at Duc Pho.

LD-1.JPGPopular DogLooks like we have yet another photo of "Short Round". Much talk and I think a special place on the 2/9th web site for pics of unit adopted dogs. Here is another. This dog had several names as I recall... "Short Round" being one of them, but he had others as well. Guy with him here was a Commo member, but I cannot recall his name. Possibly Terry. If I remember, he was a lineman. He arrived shortly before went home. By this time, I believe the 'ol hard-ass sarge was gone or at least not somewhere close enough to have influence. He would have never allowed boots to look like that! Note the the "urinator" and ammo boxes in the background. I think this was at Kontum...

LD-2.JPGMe & My Guitar - Duc Pho, MontezumaSeeing Sgt Butler's photo with his guitar struck memories. Strange thing the photo triggered was that the orange plastic finger twists on the end of the guitar tuners always twisted loose after just a few tunings. Whoever/whatever made those tuner heads must have been in Viet Nam because they were the worst I had EVER seen... and I had seen a LOT of guitars by the time I got there! Anyway, I bought a guitar in Saigon with orange plastic finger twists and cutaway, exactly like the one in the photo. I gave it to one of the guys in the battery and on my next Saigon trip I bought (for just about $2 or $3 moreāin "P" of course) another guitar with Japanese tuners on it (they had white plastic tips that never broke). I also left this guitar at the unit when I returned back to "the world." I just wonder if the guitar in the photos was the one I had!

LD-3.JPGPatrol TrainingWe were sometimes forced to go on patrols periodically by a sergeant who was a hard-ass and thought it was "good training" to keep us on our toes so we in Commo wouldn't get too soft out there in the field! Of course, good 'ol sarge was bunked up cool, safe and dry back at Montezuma when we were out crawling around in the jungle, wading through mud, being devoured by bugs, traversing rice paddies, sleeping in foxholes, dealing with "charlie" and... well, you get the picture.

LD-4.jpgPatrol Training - 2One of my buds was walking one of these dikes in a rice paddy when he stepped on a VC landmine. It was NOT a pretty experience...

LD-5.jpgHoganOne of my Commo buddies, Hogan back at Camp Enari in Pleiku shortly before returning home 1968... note the clean, pressed jungle fatigues!

LD-6.jpgCommo Buddy on patrolThis is another Commo buddy out on patrol...name forgotten.