
Dixon58.jpgThe Big Surprise!The big surprise was the very tall, longhaired redhead in the pink babydoll negligee and heels. She did an EXTRA SPECIAL dance as the finale'...she came OUT of the negligee and the audience went beserk! Guys were climbing, pushing, shoving, fights breaking out...I was nearly crushed.

Dixon59.jpgWell, you saw me!During the melee, I tried to take photos but that was impossible. Somebody ran onstage and covered the redhead with a camouflage top and she was hustled offstage...and that was that! So, you get the camouflage shot!

Dixon-77.jpgMilitary EntertainmentA "successful audition" is one thing; complying with para-3 is another. But, there's also a case of not being around to play, also.

Dixon-77a.jpgNot availableA little malaria got in the way of playing bass for Martha Raye and her overseas tour.

Dixon60.jpgWhatta Takeoff!Duc Pho Runway, LZ Montezuma, August, 1967. Although I thought that the runway had metal planking by this time, I could be wrong. Note the dirt runway with tire tracks. Certainly not a pilot's dream. Recall taking this shot from the back door of a C-123...a noisy, scary plane, but exciting to fly in especially when they later added JATO-assist pods on the wings.

Dixon61.jpgSarge told us to straighten this poleAnother character from Duc Pho-LZ Montezuma. Picture taken just after erecting tents and getting off the hard ground. I'm on the left and can't remember the guy on the right. He was from the Chicago area and insisted on being called "Mouse" or "Da Mouse". Tore his real name off his fatigues. He burned a lot of incense and got into Bhuddism. Lotsa guys avoided him, but we got along. Always wore sunglasses, even at night.

Dixon62.jpgEat Your Heart Out, SW Airlines!Hah! Southwest wasn't the first to come up with cheap boarding passes. The Loadmaster would simply tear off a piece of paper from something else and write "boarding pass" along with the flight # and destination. The "PKU" is a baggage stub. Sometimes you had to check what you were carrying, sometimes you didn't.

Dixon63.jpgHooray - R&R TimeBankok R&R - those wonnnnderful Pan Am stewardesses. They always posted one or two at the door just inside the plane as you were leaving...and at least one at the end of the gangway stairs...smiling beguilingly in a skirt and heels. Sighhhhhhh!

Dixon64.jpgBuddhist BBQBuddhist monks (Thailand). Sadly, these are the guys you sometimes heard of barbecuing themselves on the streets of Saigon. I witnessed an immolation in Saigon. It was NOT a pretty sight, nor smell. Unforgettably horrible.

Dixon65.jpgSkikorsky SkyCraneThe Sikorsky Skycrane at Duc Pho. Over the mountain is the South China Sea.

Dixon66.jpgArmed & ReadyThis fellow whose name I surely can no longer recall was shot on perimeter guard at Duc Pho. I think he was either from Michigan or Illinois. A very likable guy as I recall. He was sent home after he was shot, and survived.

Dixon67.jpgThe Supply DudeHere was a jolly little fellow who worked in supply. But heaven help you if you didn't follow all the rules by the book! The jolliness stopped right there! Sadly, I just don't recall his name either. Memory is eroding now on the names.