

Turner_132.jpgRoad DutyProviding road security...on foot.

Turner_134.jpgMama-SanHooch maids.

Turner_35.jpgThe Big CityMarkets in Pleiku

Turner_38.jpgVietnamese momLooks like she could use some Pampers. Do we have a dice game going on in the background?

Turner_39.jpgConvoyRoadside sights include an abandoned bicycle.

Turner_63.jpgRiverIt probably has a name, but it ain't the Mississippi.

Turner_64.jpgLand and waterGrunts occupy tents while Vietnamese fisherman occupies a boat near the bank.

Turner_66.jpgRecess?Looks like school is letting out.

Turner_68.jpgPleiku MarketplaceNot to be confused with the air-conditioned malls back in the US.

Turner_96.jpgMixed dressShe may be wearing western clothing, but the conical straw hat is all Vietnamese.

Turner_77.jpgGetting aroundThere were many forms of transport in Vietnam....some better than others.
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