
Turner_29.jpgGuns A-Go-GoTroops admiring the armed CH-47. As best we can tell, the gunship was located at LZ Uplift for everyone to look and take photos.

Turner_30.jpgMean MachineThe CH-47 gunship, probably displayed at LZ Uplift.

Turner_31.jpgInside Guns A-Go-GoLooking inside a flying ammo gunship.

Turner_32.jpgBelt AmmoLong belts of ammo spitting plenty of hot lead to the ground targets.




Turner_25.jpgHow do?George Justice posing with a spunky little village girl.

Turner_41.jpgUNK soldier stands in front of the Orderly Room door.


Turner_59.jpgQui NhonThis photo taken at Qui Nhon.

Turner_67.jpgLZ MontezumaThe 3rd Brigade Special Task Force Headquarters airstrip. The South China Sea lies just behind the hill in the background. Reports are that the US Marines occupied this area first and left a hellacious number of mines on the hill.
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