
MK-80.jpgDuc LapDuc Lap Hill 691 - Classic assault up the hill results in 3 KIA, 23 WIA in "B" Company, 2/35th.

MK81.jpgThe Combat Prayer"You never know what fate awaits you..."

MK82.jpgAftermathAftermath of 5 hours of contact firefight. Broke contact, pounded the area with artillery and air strikes. Lt Hartley was my LNO; we had five batteries firing missions during and into the night.

MK83.jpgAftermathNext Day: Abandoned firebase booby trapped. More casualties for B-2-35.

MK84.jpgAftermathDon't touch anything! Pound the hell out of hill 691 and surrounding area.

MK-85.jpgNote homeQuick letter to home after firefight.

MK86.jpgAftermathTime to think and reflect...but not for too long. Gotta keep on truckin'.

MK87.jpg"VC" MosquitoGot bit by one of those "VC" mosquitoes and didn't know it. Five days later, I was gone from B-2-35. Off to the hospital at Nha Trang...around 18Sept68.

MK88.jpg"Career Change"Becoming an Aerial Observer. Going from the ground into the air; same battlegrounds.

MK89.jpgBack to Camp EnariRe-assigned to the 3rd Brigade upon my return. Famous profile of "Titty Mountain".

MK90.jpgNew HomeThe Firebase at LZ Oasis becomes my new home with the 3rd Brigade, 2/9th Arty, 4th ID.

MK91.jpgPark it hereThe Fixed Wing Strip at Oasis. {Guess they didn't mind sharing the pad with the Rotary Wing birds}
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