
MK-52.jpgThe "Yard" HouseAnother view.

MK53.jpgTypical VillageVillage with water buffalo, VC, and snipers.

MK-54.jpgPeaceful VillageThe Montagnards were mainly a peaceful people, but they were hated by the Vietnamese.

MK-55.jpgFood ChainThe village food source.

MK-56.jpgThe ScoutNorth Vietnamese "Kit Carson" Scout - former NVA POW.

MK-57.jpgThe SuspectsThese are "Yards" who were blacklisted as VC suspects.

MK-58.jpgVietnamese cattleWater buffalo roam freely in the area.

MK-59.jpgWater BuffaloPrevalent throughout Vietnam; domesticated for farming use, but still had that "mean look" about them.

MK-61.jpgBan-me-Thuot173rd Airborne company covering "A" Battery, 2/9th was overrun; B-2-35 sent on CA to the rescue.

MK-62.jpgWounded NVACaptured NVA; left behind for us to find.

MK-63.jpgThe Enemy is your EnemyNVA wounded and "Doc" fixed him up. He showed his "thanks" by promptly spitting on Doc. Then we had to cut an LZ to airlift him out.

MK-64.jpgDoc & POWDoc watching over NVA prisoner.
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