
MK230.jpgFiring for EffectBattery of M-102s firing at my command.

MK231.jpgImpact AreaThe target area where the 75mm recoilless rifle fired on the “Oasis”.

MK232.jpgBurned outThe ammo truck fire finally burned itself out.

MK233.jpgThe Four-DeuceThe 4.2 mortar pit at the Oasis.

MK234.jpgLooking goodLooking good was good for unit morale.

MK235.jpgLooking goodThe boys of the 2/9th Arty battalion know how to look good.

MK236.jpgThe TOCOutside the TOC at the 2/9th Arty Bn HQ; The Oasis.

MK237.jpgBBQ PitThe Colonel’s BBQ Pit, our version of the “O” Club, not quite like the Air Force, however.

MK238.jpgThe Bn Staff, 2/9thOur version of the good times..2/9th Battalion Officers Club…the BnCOl with his Staff at the “Oasis”.
Bottom left-UNK, LtCol Forrester, UNK, Capt Finley, Maj Jerry Orr, and UNK

MK239.jpgRTORTO Ray Plunkett relaxing at The Oasis.

MK240.jpgRTORay Plunkett with his RTO gear: a 25lb PRC-25 radio and his M-16.

MK241.jpgConvoyConvoy Duty: just another day on the job...
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