
WS-98.JPGEnemy StapleA clear photo of the enemy's dangerous 122mm rocket.


OasisAtk.jpgRadio ReportA transcribed radio announcer's brief report on the attack on LZ Oasis.

WS-100.JPGAttack On LZ OasisWalt, Ed Greer and Jerry Genson cleaning up after the attack.

WS-101.JPGFilling SandbagsAs natural as breathing in Vietnam...you fill sandbags.

WS-102.JPGAttack On LZ OasisWhat's left of Dennis' cot after the attack.

WS-103.JPGBlowing Off SteamWalt and Jerry engage in a friendly battle. With Jerry handling the shovel, it'd better be friendly!

WS-104.JPGAftermathAldridge Ulrich in the back; Walt & Dennis in front.

WS-105.JPGAftermathWalt, Dennis & Ed Greer gather what little is left. Those stacks of sandbags came in mighty handy!

WS-106.JPGAftermathCapt Robert D. Baird, CSM Hughes survey damage to the Ammo Section tentage. Top Davis is in the background.

WS-107.JPGAftermathCapt Baird looking through damaged areas.

WS-108.JPGAftermathWalt, Ed Greer & Jerry cleaning up.
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