
WS-20.JPGGood Buddies"Wild Willie", (Jerry W. Williams) and "Ski", Michael Pskowski (deceased).

WS-21.JPGBigger vehicle, bigger protectionDennis Couch "at the ready", ASP, LZ Oasis.

WS-22.JPGGood BuddiesGriffith Crooks at far right.

WS-23.JPGSurvey SectionSam Kerr of the 2/9th Survey Section. Howitzer is nicknamed "Ball Buster".

WS-24.JPGM-102M-102s arrived in-country in 1968. According to the Unit History (see link), the 2/9th Arty was the first 105mm unit to get them. Howitzer is shown at the high angle fire position, a bitch for the old 105mm but a "piece of cake" for the new.

WS-25.JPGSurvey SectionSgt McDonna poses proudly next to the Section sign. The sign says "Mighty Ninth Survey Section" when photo is enlarged. Wonder where that piece of history is today? Engineer stakes prop up the sandbag wall around the tent.

WS-26.JPGTea, anyone?A tea plantation along Hwy 19.

WS-27.JPGAmmo SectionThe Ammo Section tent is in the middle of the photo.

WS-28.JPGLZ OasisLZ Oasis, Tower 2

WS-29.JPGThe ASPDennis Couch takes inventory while UNK soldier from the 704th Maint operates forklift. This ASP handled all the munitions for the Grunts and the Redlegs...mortar rounds, M16, .50 cal, hand grenades, C-4, CS...you name it.

WS-30.JPGLZ OasisFamiliar sight: choppers arriving and leaving.

WS-31.JPGAmmo SectionJerry Genson stands near the remains of the Ammo Section tent.
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