
WS-174.JPGParty TimeTop Davis, Jones, Sam Bailey and Leonard Harjo

WS-175.JPGParty TimeEven Snoopy joins the party. Sgt Schwan and mascot Snoopy.

WS-176.JPGPCS for SnoopyPV1 Snoopy is put on orders; he moves from 2/9th Arty to HHB, DivArty.

WS-177.JPGParty TimeUNK and Sp5 Jones

WS-178.JPGReady to GoPreparing to go home: UNK and Jerry Genson

WS-179.JPGReady to GoSp4 Dennis Couch is all smiles getting ready to go home.

WS-180.JPGReady to GoPFC Robert Gardner & Sp4 Dennis Couch packing up

WS-183.JPGSp4 Dennis Couch and Sp4 Griffith Crooks.

WS-185.JPGThe ViewView from the Ammo Hooch

WS-186.JPGThe EndWalt and Richards awaiting transfer to Camp Radcliff.

WS-187.JPGWell-Traveled SoldierWalt moves again; this time to "A" Btry, 5/16 Arty.

WS-188.JPGAn KheNew home at Camp Radcliff
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