
WS-133.JPGField DutyThe Survey Section hops in the truck, ready for field duty.

WS-134.JPGQuartersSSG Blout relaxing in his quarters.

WS-135.JPGChow TimeDennis Couch and Sam Bailey share some C-Rations.

WS-136.JPGPskowski at Ammo HoochPFC Michael Pskowski (deceased Oct 73) stands outside the Ammo Hooch.

WS-137.JPGThe Jones BoySp5 Wayne Jones

WS-138.JPGCamp EnariCould use a little landscaping.

WS-139.JPGGot WheelsGriffith Crooks in his jeep.

WS-141.JPGActing Non-ComWalt takes over from Jerry as the Acting Non-Com

WS-142.JPGThe Universal Lesson"Don't pop the clutch" or you'll be walking.

WS-143.JPGMoving dayA Sikorsky Sky Crane moves a howitzer.

WS-145.JPGCamp EnariThe 43rd Signal Battalion area.

WS-147.JPGSurveyingTaking a "high level" survey.
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