
TR76.jpgCrop squares?Leave it to the Vietnamese to create crop squares out of crop circles.

TR77.jpgChurch BellsThe locals entering for services.

TR78.jpgDonut DollyYep...a real live one, too. Her name is Jenny, as per her military style name tag. These girls had a lot of moxie to volunteer for this job.
GREAT NEWS!!! In July of 2014, Don Blankin FOUND Miss Jenny...Jennifer Young...and she posted a Visitor's Comment (see link at top of homepage). Also, you can see a "modern-day" photo in the next frame.

Jennifer_Young.JPG"Modern-Day" JennyOkay, gents....here she is! Ms Jennifer (Jenny) Young of the Red Cross Donut Dolly fame as we know her in the summer of 2014. Many thanks to Don Blankin is making the connection...a wonderful piece of our historic time in Vietnam.

TR79.jpgR&R Terminal

TR82.jpgUnknown LieutenantA smiling Lieutenant hoisting his M16. Anybody know this guy?

TR83.jpgShower TimeA very workable field shower - a canvas bag that holds about 5 gallons. It worked. A can of Black Label beer sitting on the sandbags.

Tom_Roman.jpgModern Day TomTom Roman enjoying the 2009 Banquet of the 35th Inf Regt "Cacti" reunion held in Reno, July, 2009.