
TR25.jpgRead all about it!One heckuva of an accidental discovery. It took four helo loads to bring the arms to LZ Valentine. Interesting to note that Sp4 John D. Grinde and 1SG JF Tibbit are active members of the 35th Inf Regt Assn and attended the annual reunion in Reno, 2009.

TR26.jpgVung TaoRemember Vung Tao? It was the "in-country" spot for "R&R".

TR27.jpgPhilThis is Phil Johnson. He might be known as "Phil this hole" Johnson later.

TR29.jpgMini-tankRaising a lot of dust.

TR30.jpgJerry Rudd - FDCThe one not wearing a gas mask is Jerry Rudd. Reportedly, he was the brother of the SDS' Mark Rudd.

TR31.jpgMonkey businessOne "gun bunny" playing with one monkey.

TR35.jpgConvoyThis road actually has asphalt on it!

TR34.jpgThe Sikorsky Flying CraneNever won any points for style or grace, but this was one powerful chopper.

TR32.jpgAwards & PromotionsThis photo may include Lts Don Blankin and Charles Stout.

TR37.jpgLarge churchStrange structure in a war zone. Located near Ban Me Thuot.
Note the power lines when photo is enlarged.

TR38.jpgOn The RoadTaking pics as we were riding by. Note two small Vietnamese children at lower right.

TR39.jpgCorn Field?A change from the normal scenes of rice paddies.